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Paint by Numbers Oil Painting

Oil Painting Paint by Numbers Kits

All myPaintLab Paint by Numbers kits are supplied with acrylic paints. They however can achieve great painting result & appearance that similar to oil paintings.
Artists have worked with paints to produce artwork on canvas. Two of the most popular types of paint are oils and acrylics, which can produce similar results. There are, however, critical differences between these two types of painting.
To produce oil paints, pigment is mixed with drying oil. The oils give a glossier look and feel to the paint because they resist the passage of light.
Acrylic painting uses acrylic paint that has been diluted with water. It is known for its quick-drying properties and fast application, but it also has the disadvantage of not being waterproof.
Even though the debate is never-ending, many artists believe acrylic paints are better than oil paints or easier to use. Acrylic paint is water-based and does not require any solvents for cleaning brushes.
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