As a leading designer and manufacturer of Paint by Number kits, we would like to share with you the tips and tricks. These tips below will help you get the ultimate result with a well-painted picture.
Recommendations and tips on the painting process
1.Start at the top of your painting so the drying paint stays above the side of your hand while you paint to prevent smudging.
2.We recommend going 1 color at a time as it will ensure your paints stay fresh and it is more efficient than switching between colors. Acrylic paints dry quickly, close the lids whenever you are not painting to prevent them from drying out.
3.You may want to begin with the larger areas first and then work down to the smaller, it helps you get the hang of the painting system, and it’ll also show you more of the painting as you progress and give you a feel for how it’s going to turn out.
4.It can help to organize the painting process by starting with the darkest colors first. This will not just make it easier to work your way through the painting, but it can help you figure out how the light and dark colors correspond with each other and what effect they have.
5.Have Fun! Follow rules and tips but do not make it frustrated for you. Take it easy and try to invent new ideas as much as you can. Be creative with your canvas and have faith in yourself.
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